Nuts And Bolts

Yard Sale - Saturday, May 20th - Donations are starting to come in.greatly appreciated!!! If you have anything to donate for the sale (proceeds go to support Miami Valley NARI activities) call the office to make arrangements. If you can't give materials, please consider giving some time. Volunteers are still needed to work set-up and the sale. Contact Fred at the NARI office if you can help out, or for more information phone 222.NARI (6274).

NARI Certification Classes - We are getting ready toschedule classes for certifications (CR, CKBR, CRS,or CLC) and we need your input. Drop an email to the NARI office or call 222.NARI (6274) today to let us know your interest. September study - November exams.

NARI'sEvening with the Dragons is August21st and there are still a few tickets left. What a great opportunity to thank staff for a job well done or clients for a referral. Every ticket includes a Dayton Dragon's ball cap and a guaranteed good time. Contact the NARI office to reserve your tickets TODAY!

The May Membership Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 24 at 6:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Dryden Road. The topic will be outdoor lighting - watch the May issue of The Remodeler for more details.RSVP today by calling or emailing the NARI office.

The Golf Outing is Coming, The Golf Outing is Coming!!! Keep an eye on the Nuts & Bolts for more information as it becomes finalized. Here's a hint.Beavercreek in September.

Use your Members Only List Serve.An email forumthat allows members to email all members at one time, your questions go to members of your profession who can relate. There's a wealth of knowledge out there to be tapped into - check it out.Your fellow members are here to help. Read more about the List Serve by clicking here orif you have a remodeling related question, email [email protected].

Miami Valley NARI members can enjoy a B&B Riverboat Cruise - Saturday, July22nd. Set sail at 7:00pm fora 2 � hour cruise.Full dinner buffet,cashbar,goodview, GREATcompany. Contact the NARI office to be sure you get in on this.

Miami Valley NARI is looking for members to serve on the Legislative Committee. If you are interested in local or state legislative issues facing the remodeling industry, let us know. The time commitment is minimal, the support is vital (about 30 minutes a month). Contact the NARI office