RRP Certification

May 11, 2010 and June 11, 2010


Miami Valley NARI has added two additional classes for the RRP Certification as the April 16, 2024 course sold out.  The dates for these newly scheduled classes are May 11, 2024 and June 11, 2010.  These classes will be instructed by William Menrath, MS.  If your firm is not yet certified, here are two more opportunities.  Each class will take place from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza North on Wagner Ford Road.  The cost of the class is $179.00 for members and $229.00 for non-members.
EPA's Renovation, Repair and Painting Final Rule (40 CFR 745) requires that renovations conducted for compensation, must be performed by Certified Firms using Certified Renovators, Renovation firms that wish to work in pre-1978 homes and child-occupied facilities must apply to the EPA and pay a fee in order to become certified. Renovators seeking to become Certified Renovators must successfully complete an EPA-accredited renovator course or a course accredited by an EPA authorized State or Tribe. These courses are the EPA model course for Certified Renovators and as such meet all requirements in 40 CFR 745.90. These courses will teach attendees how to comply with the EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule and the HUD Lead Safe Housing Rule, and how to perform lead safe work practices safely and effectively. Once you have successfully completed a Certified Renovator Initial Course, delivered by an EPA-accredited training provider, you will be an EPA Certified Renovator. EPA Certified Renovator status will allow you to do lead safe renovation, repair, and painting work in pre 1978 housing and in child occupied facilities where work will disturb lead-based paint

The classes are limited to 24 students each and fill up quickly. Please call (937) 222-6274 to register or go to


Managing Customer Personalities Luncheon: April 27, 2010

Presented by Gail Jordan of Jordan Consulting

Our speaker for this luncheon will be Gail Jordan of Jordan Consulting. Gail is an award-winning Sales Professional with a proven track record in building successful advertising programs for medium to small businesses for over 26 years. Her major strengths include handling multiple projects simultaneously, performing in a fast paced environment and meeting strict deadlines. The title of her presentation will be "Managing Customer Personalities". Come out and hear about different ways to cope with the many personalities your customers may have! 

The luncheon will take place at the Ramada Plaza North, 2301 Wagner Ford Road. Registration and networking begin at 11:00 a.m.  Lunch and the program are from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Registration fees are $25.00 for members and $30.00 for non-members. Register today at
www.naridayton.orgor call (937) 222-6274 and RSVP today!


2010 PRO Expo: Presented by Pella 

On Tuesday, April 27, 2010, from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m., the all-star event of the season, the PRO Expo, will take place at Great American Ballpark, home of the Cincinnati Reds.  At the PRO Expo, there are many opportunities to learn from dynamic, content rich education sessions with opportunities to earn CEU's. You may improve your business with new products and business tools. Best of all, there are plenty of chances to network with other professionals. Enjoy food, refreshments, and $10,000 worth of fabulous prizes.
Doors open at 3:00 p.m. for check-in. The Expo Floor includes Pella product displays, local vendor displays, food, beverages, entertainment and a keynote address.

At 3:15 p.m., educational breakout sessions begin, and they continue until 8:00 p.m. Some of these sessions include:
     �Why Pella? - presented by Pella
     �Residential & Commercial Construction Trends - presented by Hanley Wood
     �Universal Design - presented by Kohler (AIA Accredited Course)
     �The Future of Remodeling - presented by Mark Richardson of Case Design/Remodeling, Inc.
     �Window Replacement Solutions for Commercial Buildings - presented by Pella (AIA Accredited Course)
    �Top Remodelers Speak Out: Best Practices to Strengthen Your Business - presented by Remodelers Advantage Inc.
    �Greening the Bottom Line - presented by Reed Business Information (AIA Accredited Course)
    �Integrating Siding Into Your Business - presented by James Hardie
    �Transform Your Market - presented by Cygnus Business Media
    �Challenges & Solutions for Today's Ceramic Tile & Stone Installations - presented by Schluter (AIA Accredited Course)

To register, go to www.theproexpo.com/cincinnati. We hope that you can attend, and turn the knowledge that you and your company gain at the event into a home run!


Breakfast on the Level: May 13, 2024

The EPA RRP Rule, What it Means to the Contractor

Presented by Don Ebding and Mark Fleming

Of great concern to members of NARI are the legal and insurance ramifications of the EPA's Renovation, Repair and Painting Final Rule. As we learned from asbestos, being Certified by the EPA may not be enough to protect yourself and your business.
Mr. Don Ebding of Kinker-Eveleigh Insurance Agency graduated from the University of Cincinnati and specializes in contract review, establishing and maintaining large fleet safety programs, OCIP/Construction Wrap Programs, Worker's Comp Programs, and more. Don will bring us up-to-date with the insurance needs and concerns of this new Lead Ruling including what you should be looking for in your policy.


Speaking from the legal issues perspective, Mr. Mark Fleming has over 30 years experience in the construction business. He has been a residential and commercial general contractor and construction manager. He has extensive experience as a litigation consultant, working with his clients to analyze individual dispute situations and provide the objective and technical assessment needed to reach resolution in settlement negotiations, mediation or arbitration. In the event a case proceeds to trial, Fleming has served as an expert witness and is able to support his clients in every phase of the legal process. Mark will educate us in how to protect ourselves concerning the RRP Initiative. 

The breakfast will take place at the Ramada Plaza North, 2301 Wagner Ford Road. Registration and networking begin at 7:30 a.m. Breakfast and the program are from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Register today at
www.naridayton.org or call (937) 222-6274 and RSVP today! Registration fees are $10 for NARI Certified Professionals, $20 for NARI members or $30 for non-members.


Membership Meeting: May 25, 2024

Gas Safety and Efficiency

Presented by Mike Wilson

Join us as Mike Wilson of Vectren talks about "Gas Safety and Efficiency" including new marking standards that will be implemented in April.  We can all afford to learn ways to be safe as well as ways to help conserve energy to cut costs and to protect our beautiful planet.

The luncheon will take place at the Ramada Plaza North on Wagner Ford Road. Registration and Networking begin at 11:00 a.m.  Lunch and the program are from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Registration fees are $25.00 for members and $30.00 for non-members. Register today at
www.naridayton.orgor call (937) 222-6274 and RSVP today! 


Take That Call or Deal with the Customer in Front of You?

By Gladys Edmunds 


This is an excellent question, and one that many businesses should be concerned about. Just recently I stopped by the bank to take care of a mix-up with my monthly statement. I walked up to the reception counter and found the receptionist on the phone. She completed that call, and then handled four others. About 15 minutes later she got around to greeting me and asked how she could help me.

here for entire article.


What Everybody Knows

Everybody knows that water runs down, right? Rain, drains, Niagara Freaking Falls. It's intuitive. 
Sorry, not so. If you've ever walked in the great redwood forests in Northern California or the Pacific Northwest, you've looked up at trees that might be 400 to 450 feet tall. They didn't stop growing because they decided they were tall enough. They stopped growing because trees need water to grow, and 400 to 450 feet is as far as water can climb by what's known as "capillarity."  Capillarity is as much a part of building physics as it is of plant physics. You don't have to define it for a quiz, but you do need to know that it exists.
here for entire article.


Turn Your Skill Set Into a Class for Consumers

By Morgan Zenner

Light Haus Custom Glass in Madison, Wisconsin, is not just a custom glass company that's been around for nearly 26 years-it's also a local hot spot for local artists and hobbyists to get to know glass.
Steve Melahn, owner of Light Haus Custom Glass, started working with glass as a theatrical college student at University of Wisconsin. He signed up for a glass class that taught him how to paint on high-temperature glass, and he made pieces to use as special effects in theatrical projectors.
A few years and a couple jobs later, Melahn found himself starting his own custom stained glass company, a venture that had a good amount of demand as so few people were starting businesses like his.


Click here for entire article.


Outreach to Members


Tony Wenzler with the City of Moraine has asked for assistance with providing a wheelchair ramp for a disabled resident. Please contact Mr. Wenzler if you or anyone you know is able to provide their services for this initiative.
Tony Wenzler
Building & Zoning Administrator CBO, BI
City of Moraine
4200 Dryden Road, Moraine OH 45439
937-535-1038 or 937-535-1284 fax


Getting Customers to Pay Consistently and on Time

By Steve Strauss

Q: We have a clean, professional small shop. The problem we are encountering is getting our customers to pay on time when their repairs are done. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. - Phil
A: Let me begin with a sad story. Back in the day when I was a young lawyer trying to launch my law practice, I had a potential client come in the door. He needed to file bankruptcy and asked me whether I would agree to accept half of my fee up front and half in 30 days. Since, as I said, I was new to business and had a family to feed, I agreed to his proposition. New clients were good.
I dutifully filed his paperwork and began his bankruptcy proceedings. Then, about a week later, I received notice that he was dismissing me as his lawyer. I didn't get it. Then, about a week after that, I received a notice in the mail that I was being named as a creditor in his bankruptcy. Then I got it. He essentially used me to get a BK filed for half price, the other half being written off in his case.
Hoisted by my own petard!
But it was a valuable lesson: If clients cannot afford to pay you when they really need you, that is, when they hire you, they can't afford you at all. Now, of course, there are many times when it behooves the small business to be flexible and work with customers regarding payment, especially in an economy like this one. But being flexible and being a softie is not the same thing.
Flexible good; softie, bad.
So how do you get paid consistently, and on time? Here are some tried and true methods:
The carrot: We all have seen it: An offer of a discount if we pay our bills early. It is a good strategy. By offering 10% off for early payment, the business gets needed revenue in the door, the customer gets a welcome discount, and the relationship is strengthened.
The stick: Another option is to have a clear policy stating that late payments will incur a penalty. No, you don't like doing this, but yes, it does work. The key is two-fold:
1. As indicated, be clear and up front about the policy. Make sure that clients and customers know that late payments are frowned upon and that as a result you have no choice but to tack-on a late fee for late payments.
2. Enforce the policy consistently. Letting people slide, or worse, not enforcing it at all, makes you a paper tiger. You don't have to be a jerk about it (although sometimes you do, see below) but enforcing your late-fee policy consistently will result in fewer late fees and more on-time payments.
Follow-up: Assign an employee the task of following up with the late-paying customer. Be sure your staff member relays the gravity of the situation and explains that paying late, while sometimes understandable, makes running your business difficult. An email or letter can work, but a phone call may work better.
Be flexible: Try expanding your forms of payment. For instance, getting a merchant account and beginning to accept credit cards can make things much easier on clients. Or what about PayPal? In extreme cases, consider the barter option.
Get paid up front: Why do car dealers ask for a substantial down payment when selling a car? Because the lender knows that you have a far less likelihood of defaulting on the payment when you have some money already sunk into the deal. The same can be true for you - getting an up-front deposit, down payment, retainer, etc. works well.
Stopping work: Your choices get tougher the further down this list you go. It is of course always an option to explain that works stops until bills are paid. That gets people's attention.
The jerk: You need to be very careful with this one, but there are times when clients take too much advantage, and when that happens being more forceful than not can help. I have written before about the power of what I call "the calculated blow-up." No one likes dealing with people who are upset, so getting upset (on purpose and within reason) can work. The caveat is that you don't want to blow-up the relationship (unless you do).
Of course you don't want to lose customers over a payment issue, but then again, some of those customers tend to be more effort than they are worth.


April 21, 2010





Miami Valley NARI
937.222.NARI (6274) | Fax: 937.222.5794 |
[email protected]